Our Approach

Our Purpose
We work with clients to determine and retain the intrinsic value of an orebody by finding and justifying the best overall mining solutions for their enterprises, across the mining value chain.
We seek to overcome real mining related problems and difficult operational circumstances.

How We Operate
We leverage the experience, skills and insights of our engineers and work collaboratively with our clients. We develop substantial, robust and sustainable outcomes for our clients by first understanding the characteristics of the orebody and the operation. Importantly, we can justify and communicate the consequences of our plans and decisions, across the mining value chain. We use commercial and proprietary systems to assist in our analysis and review of deposits and mining operations.

Why Use Us?
Strategic Mines is a niche mining consultancy formed in 2011 to fill a noted gap in the mining industry. Strategic Mines was formed to work with our clients to define their underlying challenges – then conduct superior and focused technical work to overcome them and find real pathways to production.
As past mine site workers and managers, we can credibly ‘walk the talk’ across the workforce, from the equipment operators up to the Senior Management level.
We are not management consultants, but we understand the mining business and concerns of senior managers and executives. We are highly experienced resource development, study management and mine engineering professionals, but we also understand the interrelations across the mine value chain – so we will scope technical work to attain the optimum solutions for the enterprise.
Social & Community
Strategic Mines are proud sponsors of ‘The Innovators’ Tea Party’– who link successful women, working and training in STEM, with high school students through a range of engaging events. Find out more at https://innovatorsteaparty.org/
Strategic Mines has also been a sponsor of ‘Youth Focus’ through the ‘Hawaiian Ride for Youth’. Youth Focus supports vulnerable young people in Western Australia by offering a range of mental health services. Find out more and donate at https://www.rideforyouth.com.au/
Strategic Mines has proudly participated in the ‘MACA Cancer200’ ride since 2022 aiming to raise funds for cancer research. Our team and staff extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who help by sponsoring our rides every year and would encourage anyone who would like to find out more or to donate please do so at https://www.cancer200.org.au/fundraisers/strategicmines
We know that mining companies need to maximise the value of their ore bodies.
We also know that can be easier said than done, because we’ve been there and we’ve seen it.
Contact us to see how we can help.
P: 0447 945 236 | E: admin@strategicmines.com.au